Hei kaikki! Näyttää siltä että kokonaan kadotin kosketukseni tähän blogin kirjoittamiseen sen jälkeen kuin sairastelin, sorry! Yritän nyt vähitellen käydä läpi oleskeluni kohokohtia. Ensimmäinen asia, josta ajattelin kertoa, on matka Bien Hoa -nimiseen kaupunkiin noin puolitoista kuukautta sitten. Bien Hoa on U:n kotikaupunki, joten menin sinne hänen kanssaan viikonlopuksi. Kaupunki sijaitsee hyvin lähellä Ho Chi Minh Cityä. Menin ensin bussilla yliopistolle (matka kestää noin 50 minuuttia) ja sieltä menimme U:n moottoripyörällä Bien Hoaan, mikä kesti noin puoli tuntia.
Tämä oli ensimmäinen kerta kun näin vietnamilaisen talon sisältä päin. U:n koti on kiva kaksikerroksinen talo joka on sisätiloista hyvin valoisa. Suomalaiselle oli eksoottista se, että moottoripyöriä säilytettiin keittiössä (keittiöön tuli ovi suoraan ulkoa). Asuinalue oli hyvin mielenkiintoinen, talojen välissä kulki kapeat kujat ja tunnelma oli mukava.
Asuinalueella oli katolinen kirkko, jonne menimme ensimmäisenä iltana, koska U:lla, hänen äidillään ja siskollaan oli siellä kuoroharjoitukset. Pihalla varmaan kaikki alueen lapset kerääntyivät ympärilleni - useimmat heistä eivät luultavasti olleet koskaan ennen nähneet ulkomaalaista. Lapset tuijottivat ja kikattivat ja huutelivat "Hello!". Se oli hämmentävää mutta hauskaa, tuntui kuin olisi ollut joku kuuluisuus. :D Kuoroharjoitus oli hyvin kaunis kokemus, istuin kirkon parvekkeella lämpimässä illassa ja kuuntelin laulua. Kuoro oli hyvä ja pidin lauluista, vaikkeivät ne olleet minulle tuttuja. Pidän siitä, miltä vietnamin kieli kuulostaa laulettuna.
Seuraavana aamuna kirkossa oli messu, jossa kuoro lauloi. Kuoron naiset olivat pukeutuneet perinteiseen vietnamilaiseen asuun nimeltä ao dai. Protestanttina oli kiinnostavaa nähdä katolinen messu. Rakenne oli aika samanlainen kuin protestanttisessa messussa, joten pystyin aika helposti seuraamaan mitä tapahtui vaikken ymmärtänyt kieltä.
Myöhemmin samana päivänä vierailimme U:n isoäidin luona, joka asuu lähellä. Tämän jälkeen tapasimme U:n paikallisia ystäviä ja menimme pizzalle ja pieneen huvipuistoon joka oli hyvin kaunis pimeässä kaikkine valoineen. Tämän jälkeen ajelimme ympäri kaupunkia moottoripyörillä. Minulla oli todella kivaa, vaikka olin jo tulossa sairaaksi eikä kuntoni ollut paras mahdollinen.
tiistai 9. joulukuuta 2014
Bien Hoa
Hello everyone! It seems that I totally lost my touch to this blogging after getting sick, I'm sorry. I try now to go through some highlights from my stay little by little. The first thing I want to tell you is my trip to a town called Bien Hoa about a month and half ago. Bien Hoa is U:s hometown, so I went there for a weekend with her. It is located very near from HCMC. I went by bus to the university (which takes about 50 minutes) and then we rode with U:s motorbike to Bien Hoa, which took about half an hour.
This was the first time when I saw a Vietnamese house from inside. U:s home was a nice two-floor house which was very bright from inside. The exotic thing to a Finn was that the motorbikes were located in the kitchen (there was a door from outside straight to the kitchen). The neighbourhood was very interesting, there were narrow lanes between the houses and very nice atmosphere.
The neighbourhood had a catholic church to which we went in the first evening because U, her mother and her sister had a choir rehearsal there. In the yard all the neighbourhood children gathered around me - most of them had probably not seen a foreigner ever before! They stared and giggled and shouted "Hello!". It was awkward but fun, I felt like a some celebrity. :D The choir rehearsal was a very beautiful experience, I sat at the church balcony in a warm night and listened to their singing. The choir was good and I really liked the songs though they were not familiar to me. I like how Vietnamese language sounds when sung.
The next morning there was a mass in the church and the choir sang there. The women of the choir were dressed to Ao Dai - a traditional Vietnamese dress. It was interesting to see a catholic mass as I am a protestant Christian myself. The structure was quite similar than in a protestant mass, so I could quite easily follow though I did not understand the language.
Later that day we visited U:s grandmother who lives very near. Then we met some U:s local friends and went to eat pizza and then to a little amusement park which was very beautiful in the dark with all those lights. After that we just rode around the town with motorbikes. I had really good time, though I was already getting sick then and my condition was not very good.
This was the first time when I saw a Vietnamese house from inside. U:s home was a nice two-floor house which was very bright from inside. The exotic thing to a Finn was that the motorbikes were located in the kitchen (there was a door from outside straight to the kitchen). The neighbourhood was very interesting, there were narrow lanes between the houses and very nice atmosphere.
The neighbourhood had a catholic church to which we went in the first evening because U, her mother and her sister had a choir rehearsal there. In the yard all the neighbourhood children gathered around me - most of them had probably not seen a foreigner ever before! They stared and giggled and shouted "Hello!". It was awkward but fun, I felt like a some celebrity. :D The choir rehearsal was a very beautiful experience, I sat at the church balcony in a warm night and listened to their singing. The choir was good and I really liked the songs though they were not familiar to me. I like how Vietnamese language sounds when sung.
The next morning there was a mass in the church and the choir sang there. The women of the choir were dressed to Ao Dai - a traditional Vietnamese dress. It was interesting to see a catholic mass as I am a protestant Christian myself. The structure was quite similar than in a protestant mass, so I could quite easily follow though I did not understand the language.
Later that day we visited U:s grandmother who lives very near. Then we met some U:s local friends and went to eat pizza and then to a little amusement park which was very beautiful in the dark with all those lights. After that we just rode around the town with motorbikes. I had really good time, though I was already getting sick then and my condition was not very good.
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