lauantai 27. syyskuuta 2014

Internship, university, museum and people

On Wednesday I went the first time to the company where I have an internship. The company is one of the biggest IT firms in Vietnam and is located in an area where is like a whole "village" of IT firms. It takes about an hour and a half to get there from the hotel. The plan is that I will be there two or three days in a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. My tasks will be related to Natural Language Processing, which is an area that interests me very much, so I am very content. :) On Wednesday and yesterday I have got to know the theory behind the project and read old code etc. Hopefully I will next week start to code myself. My teammates are very nice and on Friday we went to coffee.

On Wednesday I had a little difficulties when going back to the hotel. First I did not notice the bus stop where the bus leaves, so I walked to totally wrong direction. The pavement was very narrow and had motorbikes, food stalls and other stuff on it. So actually there was not much room to walk on the pavement so I pretty much had to walk on the road where was quite much traffic. When I finally got to the bus, the next challenge was to find the place to get off. I recognized the right place too late and had to get off next stop and try to find the way to the hotel in a dark with map. Luckily I finally got back. On Friday I then managed better with the bus.

On Thursday i went to the university, NLU, and got to know many teachers and students. Some of them spoke English very well but most of the students were a bit nervous and did not speak much. I heard that they have studied English but not actually never talked it, so it is difficult for them. I understand them well because if I have to speak some language I haven't spoken much, I am also nervous. I had very good time, though. We went to a cafe on the campus and drank ice coffee, ice tea and ate some Vietnamese fruits. Little fruits called sori were very delicious. I talked much with a girl, U, who was very fluent in English. I hope we will meet again soon. In the afternoon a teacher, Ms. N, gave me a ride to the hotel with her scooter. It was very fun, I enjoyed so much to see the city on the scooter. On our way we also went to have dinner, some fish noodle soup, and when it started to rain, we went to a coffee shop. There I drank very delicious green tea with coconut milk. Tomorrow I will go with Ms. N to a gathering where will be expats and local people. I think it will be very fun.

Yesterday evening I had a dinner with Mr. P and his family and some of their friends. We ate a very interesting dish: rolls that we wrapped ourself with rice paper, putting inside some vegetables and meat. It was very fun. After that we ate very good noodle soup. It was very nice to meet Mr. P:s wife and 4-years-old daughter who was very cute.

Today morning I went to the War Remnants Museum which is located right next to my hotel. It was very interesting visit. I don't know much about the Vietnam War but maybe I have to start to find out more. The most moving thing was pictures about the victims of Agent Orange, a toxic that the US Army sprayed to Vietnam during the war. The toxic affects not only the people that are in touch with it but also their descendants. The pictures showed different malformations the Agent Orange has caused until very recent years. I also saw some of the victims in the lobby of the museum, they were making and selling pearl decorations. Some were very short and some had malformed limbs. One man had no eyes but he was playing an electric piano. I think I have to think again many things I saw in the museum and get to know the phases and human destinies of the war better.

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